Real Life With the A'baums

Keepin' it real all day long

baby toots

Feb 7

Asher called Addy a “toodeler”.

To be fair, Addy does have a lot of gas. And it smells. so. bad.

But he really is very sweet to her and likes snuggling up to her.

It’s some good #siblinglove.

Posted by Aaron
  • siblinglove
  • toddlerlife
  • asherisms
  • smh

Real Life

Feb 7

Hey, y’all! Welcome to real life with the a’baums! Here, we’re just trying to keep it real. And as you know, sometimes real life gets sticky… with baby drool and spilled milk and words that would have been better left unsaid. But sometimes, real life is really sweet… like morning...

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Posted by Alyssa
  • reallifeis