Real Life with Mrs. A'baum

Jesus-Follower. Wife-y. No-Drama-Baby-Mama.

catching up with the a'baums

Mar 1

Aaron and I are coming up on our FIFTH wedding anniversary! Five years! And whether you’re a new friend or you knew us even before we said, “I do,” here’s a little read to catch you up on what’s been going on with the A’baums.

We were married in my...

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Posted by Alyssa

swagger wagon

Feb 23

Real life is… when you finally buy that minivan that you promised yourself you’d never drive.

Dear thirteen-year old Alyssa, you were wrong. Minivans aren’t so bad. There will come a day in your life where practicality beats out glimmer and glamour (much like those black yoga pants you will...

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Posted by Alyssa
  • reallifeis
  • parentingstuff

rest for your soul

Feb 16

What’s that burden you’re carrying? Is it a private one? One that you feel like the whole world knows?

What’s that prayer that you whisper constantly through the day? The one you’ve woken up and prayed for countless times. Over and over.

What’s that thing that’s wearing you down? That...

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Posted by Alyssa