Real Life With the A'baums

Keepin' it real all day long

catching up with the a'baums

Mar 1

Aaron and I are coming up on our FIFTH wedding anniversary! Five years! And whether you’re a new friend or you knew us even before we said, “I do,” here’s a little read to catch you up on what’s been going on with the A’baums.

We were married in my...

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Posted by Alyssa

asherisms, part 1

Feb 27

As a toddler, Asher says many things that are very unique. Being around him, we’ve come up a little mini translation guide for speaking in Asher. Some of his words are clear, while others are more of a stretch.

This is the first of many, and I hope you enjoy...

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Posted by Aaron
  • asherisms

swagger wagon

Feb 23

Real life is… when you finally buy that minivan that you promised yourself you’d never drive.

Dear thirteen-year old Alyssa, you were wrong. Minivans aren’t so bad. There will come a day in your life where practicality beats out glimmer and glamour (much like those black yoga pants you will...

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Posted by Alyssa
  • reallifeis
  • parentingstuff