Real Life With the A'baums

Keepin' it real all day long

rest for your soul

Feb 16

What’s that burden you’re carrying? Is it a private one? One that you feel like the whole world knows?

What’s that prayer that you whisper constantly through the day? The one you’ve woken up and prayed for countless times. Over and over.

What’s that thing that’s wearing you down? That...

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Posted by Alyssa

Of Jobs and Men

Feb 15

Work life balance isn’t always the easiest thing to achieve. You want to do everything you can to provide for the people you love.

With a second child now, my time is split even more than it was before. Balancing between work and family only gets harder as time goes...

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Posted by Aaron
  • reallifeis
  • dadlife
  • worklifebalance

let me Google that for you

Feb 9

Real life is… when you Google “toddler tantrums” but you’re not seeing anything that you haven’t already tried. (Ignoring it, not ignoring it, trying to figure out if he is still tired or hungry or probably all of it or maybe none of it, and “hey, do you want to...

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Posted by Alyssa
  • reallifeis
  • parentingstuff
  • toddlerstuff